Diana Banana Pancakes

June 7, 2007

some catching up…

Filed under: Uncategorized — dianabananapancakes @ 4:52 pm

Hmmmm, lets see…still the same crap going on, different day. Still working the 2 jobs, grandparents still in/out of the hospital, still a single chica (for now!), still live in small-town USA, haha.

Ian’s out of school, he’s excited for the summer. He’s gonna spend 2 weeks with his dad supposedly starting today, we’ll see if his dad makes good on his word to Ian. If he does get him, I won’t have him back till the 24th, so this will be especially hard for me as I’ve not been without Ian for more than 2 days. I won’t know what to do with myself. Maybe i’ll have to get out. I’ve already got a few people who’ve offered to stop by for a visit since I have no car yet (2 weeks at the shop, and they called yesterday to inform me that they “temporarily” misplaced my car keys….what??? lol….when it rains it POURS!

Work has sucked ass, lol, but what else is new….its gotten worse. For the last 3 days there has been so little work that I can’t even say I’ve made minimum wage for 1 hour. Its pathetic, and all we keep getting is apologies. I’m considering asking for more hours at my part time job in order to balance it out. This girl needs to make some money. I’ll be lucky if I can say I made 1 hr wage in a full day, because there has been NOTHING. yesterday I got 3 reports, today 4, day before yesterday NONE. I was hoping to get to go see my grandparents this weekend, but I’m going to have to stay home and try to get some work if any comes in. Its frustrating when I’m trying to make MORE money, yet nothing’s working out here.

I had was started out as a great 2007, and in the last few months its gone to crap in some departments of my life….but I’m still pushing along, plugging away like usual, and keeping a smile on my face as much as I can.

Hmm, what else….I guess that’s it really. Hung out with my friend Christine and her family for a day after watching her son’s last baseball game, that was good and much needed, it was the day after I found out about James….so it was great to get out and have someone make me laugh. Another new friend, Bruce, who worked as my son’s daycare worker while he was going to college, is having a birthday and I was invited to his BBQ or cookout or whatevah ya call it, so I may head that way, too. Aside from that, just working, working, squeezing in some fun here and there.


Bruce told me the name of that kid’s cute dad….Chip…hehe. He said he’s a nice guy. But no one can tell me if he’s married, lol, I HATE HATE HATE checking out a married man, just makes me feel ick, don’t know why, well I’m sure I know.

So, James…yeah, moving on. I put my profile on the singles sites, again, cause that’s all I have here in BFE….in less than 2 days I already got 3 e-mails, lol….I haven’t responded to all, and the 1 I responded to was ok, nothing spectacular as far as do we click or not, but a nice conversation. He knows of my “fresh wounds” and is fine with just talk chatting online for now, so that’s good. I’m not sure I’ll meet anyone just yet, but ya know.

I found out some interesting “tid-bits” that make me kinda pissed about the whole situation, but its over and I can’t do anything about it or change what happened, so I can just chalk it up to I tried and got screwed again, and move on.

Anyway, I am feeling down today, I mean, I’m feeling ok, but down off and on, the morning started off down, and I know as soon as Ian is gone that I will be down again. So, send some warm fuzzies my way, lol. I’m gonna miss Ian and I’m sure I’ll worry, but his dad, while extremely irresponsible, wouldn’t be completely stupid and do anything for Ian to purposely get hurt.

Thanks Bekah and Art for hanging in there while I vent/bitch/moan/cry, lol. I’ve needed it, and knowing what I know now….well, I know what I have to do.

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